Monday, September 10, 2012

Remembering 9/11 Through Children's Art

9/11 Children's Art

9/11 wall of hope

9/11 Wall of Hope

remember 9/11 by kids

9/11 artwork

9/11 Wall of Hope RI

I see the children's artwork many times as I walk throughout the city during my lunch break. It's more breathtaking as we near the 9/11 date. My youngest son was at elementary school designing one of these at that time after 9/11/01. I wonder if he or any of his friends would remember which is there artwork on showcase today. 

Do you have these type of memorials in your city for 9/11?


  1. So many kids were at school, in lower Manhattan, on that day. I shudder to think of the effect it must have had on such young and impressionable minds.

    So much confusion. What is going on? Why would anyone want to do something so horrible?

    How can you explain that to an innocent mind?

    1. Hi Marc, I think it was hard even for adults to comprehend; too never mind explain. It is still so hard to believe since that day.
