Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Contrails In The Blue Spring Skies

plane contrails

contrails in the sky

squiggly contrails

fading contrails

We finally got some spring like weather over the weekend in Southern New England. As I was out walking I noticed the contrails in the sky from 2 planes above. It was interesting to see how they became squiggly in time. I also learned my mobile phone could take pictures and take a phone call  at the same time. Gotta love technology!
The birds were chirpping away as they must have enjoyed the spring-like weather too.

Has Spring arrived in your area?


  1. Cool! Yep, Spring arrived here over the weekend. We put the deck furniture out Sunday and Titan was loving it! I noticed the creepy crawlers are coming out, mostly baby sized spiders and a be that tried landing on my head while I was grilling tbones Sunday. :) Bring it on!

    1. We can't bring out the furniture yet, we may have that spring snowstorm coming next week. I hope not!

    2. Let's hope not for your sake ;)

  2. Beautiful! Thanks for reminding us that the blue skies and warm weather are on their way!

    1. I hope so Nancy but saw weather channel looking at possible snowstorm for our first day of Spring. Remember the April Fools Day one many years ago now?

  3. We had a beautiful day today. Our sky wasn't quite as blue as this, but it was great to be out working in the yard.
